As cities continue to expand, pushing some of its residents right into the suburbs, the spaces in-between become filled with abandoned and decaying structures. All the while, nature itself has become displaced and surrounded. We are no longer a civilization surrounded by nature, we are a civilization that surrounds nature. For this project, I am merely documenting the complexities of the modern American Landscape and how the landscape is being constructed. My work serves as nothing more than a collection of evidence. Evidence of how we as humans are continuing to shape our environment and how we are still constantly changing the spaces that we inhabit. I chose to document this project with the tool of the large format camera. Such cameras have been utilized by the photographers that have been my biggest inspirations, Robert Adams and Joel Sternfeld. This is because of the massive amount of detail and the precise amount of control that is allowed from such cameras. Ultimately, my work is a call to take notice of our impact on the environment, and to strive for a more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.